Um yeah, so I had a baby and stuff and suddenly found out how hard it was to type one handed. So that is the main reason I have not updated this blog. By a strange twist of fate I woke up early today before both of the girls and instead of doing something responsible like cleaning the sticky spots off my floor I decided to update my blog.
A quick update on our lives. Bella is turning three on Friday. She is so excited about her birthday she keeps singing the happy birthday song to herself and talking about the pinata she is going to have. How does a three year old know about pinatas you may ask? One of her favorite shows right now is the old Disney show "Saludos Amigos/ Three Caballeros". She asks for it by name and loves to samba around the house wearing only her white tutu that auntie gave her. It is kind of a fun show for us as it has several cartoons based in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. She likes the little one about the little airplane named Pedro. She calls him Pedo which makes papi cringe. (I'll let all the non Spanish speakers google that one to see why). She tends to be an obstinate little stink at times but we love her and her funny personality.
Our new addition born early October is Tali. (Again like Bella not her real name but to protect the innocents from the Internets it will work). She is an adorable, rolly polly little 4 month old. She is getting very cute and smiley and is fascinated by her big sister. Seriously she will just sit and watch Bella's antics and copy her laugh. She can turn over from back to front and front to back and with her strong legs she will scoot along face first. (Usually towards things like the edge of the bed). We were somewhat hoping for a calm one for number two but it looks like Tali will be up and moving and into things even quicker than Bella. Oh well.
I went back to work, again part time shortly after Tali's arrival. We have been blessed with a fantastic babysitter who is wonderfully flexible with my sometimes sporadic schedule. I am really liking my job and where I am at professionally right now. I have had some fun opportunities to make formal presentations on Dementia in the last couple months and have really enjoyed it. (I got a fruit flower arrangement as a thank you for one of my presentations yesterday, which was kind of fun and made my day). I am also starting to see a few more private counseling patients. We moved to a new physician office space that is more convenient for patients and a lot nicer looking but unfortunately quite a bit smaller. My coworkers have been stressed with the move. My office is now a nook in a hallway next to the lab table where they run urine samples. Okay, that makes it sound somewhat worse than it is, but I still find it kind of funny. I have other spaces that I share to see patients and such.
As for the Blue Prince, he is slogging along making the final push to finish his last semester of school. Its amazing how fast the four years have gone. (Speaking of which we celebrated our four year wedding anniversary last week too). He hates winter here working up in the cold in the mountains. It has caused him some serious issues with bursitis and other pain in his knees. Due to that we may be looking at making a move to warmer climes down south in the next year or so after he gets his journeyman licence. Of course there would have to be work down south as well, which is another complicating factor. Nothing is decided, and it is mostly fantasizing for the time being.
We all enjoyed the trip back to Uruguay in December to visit family. It was a long trip and somewhat overwhelming with two little ones but an adventure to say the least. If I ever again get the motivation to post I'll try and put on some pictures. The family dynamic with my husband's family tends to be difficult at times but it was lovely to see everyone and especially watch Bella interact with her cousins. It is amazing to me how they all look so much alike.

I am hearing some major rustling from the ranks so I guess it is back to being a mom for now. Hopefully my next post will not be so long in the future.