Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wow its been a long time

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2/04/2010 07:29:00 AM
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Baby News (just kidding)

I like this last picture because it shows Bella's favorite outfit for summer. She strips down to her diaper and finds one or more of her dress-up skirts to put on over it. Generally she stays bare chested but will occasionally accessorize with a hat or one or more shoes (Or in this case bunny ears).
Posted by
9/24/2009 09:19:00 PM
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Just Lovely
I went in for my second ultrasound the other day to make sure everything is going well with the unborn and to check the placement of the placenta. Everything is looking good. Luckily it looks like the placenta is moving away from the cervix so I shouldn't need a c-section and hopefully I won't be at risk for bleeding. As part of the ultrasound they usually take several pictures and print them up to give to you as cute first shots of your baby. In general they are blurry profile shots or the money shot between the legs to show you the gender. I guess our baby wasn't feeling particularly cooperative that day, so this is the picture we got. What parent doesn't want an up the nose shot of their unborn baby. It makes me giggle a little bit every time I see it, so we now have it hanging up on the fridge.
Posted by
7/21/2009 02:27:00 PM
Labels: Baby Pictures
June and July
It's been an interesting summer so far and I thought it was time to share a couple pictures. The Blue Prince has been very busy the last few weeks working a side job in the evenings so we could save up for our Uruguay trip/ new arrival. It has been a lot of hard work and late nights but hopefully will be worth it. He is done for now and it is great having him home in the evenings. Here are some pictures I took of Bella playing with Papi on her bike, one night after he got home for work. (I realized after I took them that there was a large fingerprint smudge on the lens) Having Papi work extra was hard on Bella as she is such a Papi's girl and many nights he wasn't home before her bedtime. This threw off our sleeping routine as she started climbing into our bed in the middle of the night, and getting up at 6:30am so she could see him before he left for work.
We managed to squeeze in a couple fun family activities over the weekends. Some friends of mine invited us over to participate in a children's circus. All the kids dressed up and performed circus acts. Bella did an acrobatics routine with Papi and rode a play pony blindfolded (her crown fell down over her eyes).
Caitlin sent us some free Real Salt Lake Soccer tickets for The Blue Prince's birthday. Being for the same night as the above mentioned circus, we got there a little late, but we had a good time. Bella enjoyed climbing and swinging on the handrails and cheered with the crowd when our team made a goal.
For the Fourth of July we spent the day in Brigham City with my mom, sister and Grandma. Grandma got out the baby pool, and Bella spent the day running around the yard, playing with Barbies and eating junk food. At night we went to the park to watch the fireworks. Bella again ran around, danced to the music and took advantage of Grandma's willingness to hand out candy. She ran around so much that she ended up exhausting herself and fell asleep 10 mins before the fireworks started. Even with all the booming going on around her she didn't stir a bit, and slept all the way home in the car.Our church sponsored a day at Lagoon on the 10th and provided us with free entrance passes (rides were extra). This actually worked out perfect as I am too big to go on rides and the Blue Prince isn't much of a roller coaster fan. We just bought a ride pass for Bella and let her at it. She is now big enough to go on the kiddie rides by herself and she had a grand time. She still struggles a bit with the concept of taking turns and waiting in line but all in all she did well. She even had her first cotton candy.
Posted by
7/21/2009 01:26:00 PM
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
boring folk

Here is an updated picture of Bella in her lovely pink hat. She found it when we were shopping at old navy a couple weeks ago and papi and I couldn't say no. She has started into the phase of wanting to pick everything, especially what she wears. The only way I got her into pajamas last night was by letting her pick between the Tinkerbell shirt (the one with the small fairy on the front or the tiger shirt (it had stripes). I seem to have less fights if I let her pick dresses, hence the pink princess dress today. And so it starts, curse you Disney and your princess marketing skills.

Posted by
6/09/2009 02:26:00 PM
Saturday, April 4, 2009
New Poll
My sister keeps teasing that I need to add some sort of countdown widget for the coming of our new baby. I have generally been ambivalent about them in the past but as I try to be as user friendly as possible, here is your opportunity to let your feelings be known. You can find the poll on the left hand column of the page. If you have additional feelings on the topic that you feel are not adequately addressed by the poll feel free to add a comment.
Posted by
4/04/2009 11:19:00 PM
Labels: poll
Funny Naked Monkey
I have been chastised for the month long gaps in my blogging. The days are galloping by with little distinction between one day to the next and one week to the next but I did want to share with the interested what is going on in our household.
Bella continues to be a funny, busy little kid. If possible she has become more agile and active than ever. She has learned to use things such as the laundry basket or Papi's lunch cooler as footstools to reach previously unreachable heights. Here is one of her most recent discoveries (the washing machine).

Posted by
4/04/2009 02:28:00 PM
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Dancing with Papi or Conecting with her inner Latin rhythm
Bella loves to dance, at home, in the car or at church whenever she hears music you see her bending her knees or swaying to the music. This is a trait I wholly attribute to her Papi and she has a willing partner when she wants to get down.
Posted by
3/08/2009 11:22:00 AM
Monday, February 9, 2009
Happy 2nd Birthday Bella
Bella in her new jumper dress made by Bubbie Ishi.

Posted by
2/09/2009 11:47:00 AM
Friday, January 9, 2009
Christmas Winter Wonderland
Here are our pictures from Christmas.
Bella and Papi trimming our little Christmas tree. It's fun that she is getting to an age that she can somewhat participate in the festivities.
We spent Christmas in Brigham City at Grandma's house. Christmas came in the middle of a week that we all spent sick. Bella got sick first the weekend before (while we were visiting family in Southern Utah) and of course she passed it to me a couple days latter. Deviating from the usual course of things the Blue Prince managed to avoid this round of the Plague. His foreign immune system usually catches whatever is going around the house and gives him a worse version of it. Anyway I was the one sick on Christmas which turned out to be fairly good timing since I had my mom around to take care of me and aunties to keep track of Bella.
This is Bella opening gifts Christmas morning. Santa got her a little red wagon and a stuffed monkey that she loves to pull around giving rides to. She got a little miffed the other day when I wouldn't let her take the wagon in the car to daycare.
A couple family shots
We have been getting a ton of snow for the last couple of weeks. This is the view of my mom's back yard Christmas morning. We decided to take Bella outside to play. She liked the icicles that Papi let her take off the roof. Mom forgot to bring her gloves so she is wearing a pair of socks on her hands for mittens.
Posted by
1/09/2009 02:01:00 PM